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Regional Film Archives

A web TV műsora:


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HAPPY NEW YEAR - special music films and webTV new programme

You can find MEDIAWAVE webTV program guide below!


WebTV is presented in a totally new shape offering our audience several view options. First of all you can watch the programmes the same way you do it on your TV by opening them. Naturally the difference between webTV and regualr tv programmes is the fact you can stop and continue or repeat the programmes whenever you want to. 

If you find a movie in the programme guide, which is currently not active, then you can search its title in the film archive and you can watch it there. 
We greatly recommend you to search for films in the film archive, which gives you a hand in different ways to find the movie you are looking for. On one hand it contains several movies' database. a part of the films are accessible on the website, the other part of them can be found on dvd or vhs in our film archive which opens in February, 2009.  
If you have any questions, comments, ideas about the film archive, please, do not hesitate to contact us: hartyand@mediawave.hu

Népszerű filmek

5 (8)
Music Hartyándi Jenő (China / Hungary)
leader: BOTH MIKLÓS guitar, leader participants: Bíró Márta - Horváth Ancsa - Szalai Zsófia - vocal Sára Csobán - Gárgyán Zoltán - saxophone Balog Tamás Cérna - tambura Báder János - dulcimer Milák Richárd - guitar Kállai Géza - e.bass Horváth Péter - drums ÖRDÖGKATLAN FESZTIVÁL - MEDIAWAVE STAGE Kisharsány - Kovács udvarház - Pajta (HUngary) 9 August, 2014 Supported:

5 (1)
Documentary / Music / Dance Hartyándi Jenő (Hungary)

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Documentary Hartyándi Jenő (Hungary)

5 (3)
Documentary Hartyándi Jenő (Hungary)
Új filmek

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Documentary Hartyándi Jenő (Hungary)

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Documentary / Music Vida Igor (Hungary)

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Documentary / Music Vida Igor (Hungary)

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Documentary / Music Vida Igor (Hungary)


RAVAZDI EVENINGS | Gipsy Song Say 2024 | | | FILM MAKERS FROM GYŐR | MUSICIANS & BANDS FROM GYŐR | | ACADEMY CLUB | | Hungarian Jazz History | JAZZ & IMPROVISED MUSIC | 30th Mediawave | FESTIVAL REPORT | CONCERTS & PERFORMANCES | MEDIAWAVE Festival / Gathering | "slow river..." gathering" | CAFÉS & CITIZENRY - The Roma Origins | "LUCKY MEETINGS" Gipsy & Hungarian Project | SZÉKELY'S FRUIT FESTIVAL | PASSPORT CONTROL | Films from Győr and Region | KÉP-ÁRNYÉK BT | NYME University film practical | FILM COURSE OF BENCÉS COLLAGE, Pannonhalma | ÖRDÖGKATLAN Festival | LOST FRAGMENTS | Art Camp films | MEDIAWAVE Film Workshops | Script Writer Workshops | Photo Workshops | MEDIAWAVE Music Workshops | Other Workshops - dance, new cirque, ect. | Architect Workshops | MEDIAWAVE tours, representations, minifestivals | RÓMER HOUSE (Győr, Hungary) | MEDIAWAVE Music and Film Agency | Video Archive of Balett of Győr, Hungary | HÉTRÉTORSZÁG Festival | MOVEAST Film Festival | BAKONYALJI VIGASSÁGOK Festival | RAVAZDI FEELINGS 2011 | Ethnographic film collection of the János Xántus Museum | Duna Workshop | Television Archives | Documentations | JÁNOS webTV | Signal | CULT-TOUR 2011 | Professional meetings | Abjects | U7 SALON | ARE YOU FREE? Musicfestival | ARCHIVE OF TRADUTTRICE LETTERARIAS | RECYCLING TRADITIONALS | BENCÉS WOODSTOCK | CIMBI PROJECTS & FESTIVAL OF KISCSŐSZ | KACSA PROJECTS & CIFRA WORKSHOP | VILLÁNYI & MŰHELY | MEDIAWAVE webTV | IMPORTANT HUNGARIANFILMS & FEATURES | FILM HISTORY | IMPORTANT FILMS N THE WORLD | Hungarian from South American | 2nd Dance Camp in China | NMI | CONFERENCE | | | LADIKOS FESTIVAL 2018 | CHACO DIARY | | Music Workshop by György Ferenczi | | THE FILMS OF ANDRÁS SZŐKE



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Documentary / Music / Dance Hartyándi Jenő (Hungary / Romania / Slovakia)
During the afternoon, at the May picnic by the river Danube, the groups will present themselves separately and independenlty as a type of preparation for the nuptial feast The nuptial festive ambiance will be evoked in the authentic setting of a ’cifra’ (adorned) room. The organiser of the afternoon and the evening is Cifra Workshop Organisation from Győr. Choreogra...

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