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Regional Film and TV Archives
MEDIAWAVE Music and Film Agency

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5 (1)
Hartyándi Jenő (Hungary)
Documentary / Music
Grencsó István - sax, flute, Scheer József - e.bass, Geröly Tamás - drums
The band Masina had been formed at Kőszeg 25 years ago...

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Zomborácz Virág (Hungary)
„Once upon a time there was a little child who gained a beautiful present from the angels. He ...

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Zomborácz Virág (Hungary)
concert video
International Film and Music Festival
26 April - 3 May, 2008
Győr, Hungary

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Hartyándi Jenő (Hungary / Russia)
Documentary / Music
Only music -
Altaic throaty singer and musician and his two mates creates the band. This is a very unique product, a real „white blur” one...

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Zomborácz Virág (Hungary)
International Film and Music Festival
26 April - 3 May, 2008
Győr, Hungary

5 (3)
Hartyándi Jenő & Szalai Zsolt "Zsömi" (Hungary / Slovakia)
Documentary / Music
Ferenczy György – violin, vocal, harpnes, Apáti Ádám - e.bass, Pintér Zsolt – mandolin, vocal, Kormos Levente –...

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Hartyándi Jenő & Szalai Zsolt "Zsömi" (Hungary / Slovakia)
Documentary / Music
Leader Ferenczy György – violin, vocal, harpness
Special guest: Novák Péter - vocal
Takáts Esz...

0 (0)
Hartyándi Jenő (Hungary)
Documentary / Music
The workshop was realized with the participation of WLAD MLOUK LAHWA, Maroccon band. Bálint Józsa an...

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Hartyándi Jenő & Szalai Zsolt "Zsömi" (Hungary / USA)
Documentary / Music
Grencsó István and Borbély Mihály - sax, Joe Fonda - bass, Bágyi Balázs - drums
MOVEAST International Film Festival
9 October...

5 (1)
Hartyándi Jenő (Hungary)
Documentary / Music
Leader: Kalocsai Tamás - drums
Members: Drapán László - sax, clarinet, flute, synt, Takács Gergő - guitar, Hegedűs Csaba - guitar, Hegedűs László - e...

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Zomborácz Virág (Hungary / Turkey)
Sarikamis - autentic Kurdish film music from the East Turkey.
International Film and Music Festival
26 April - 3 May...

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Hartyándi Jenő (Hungary / Slovakia)
Documentary / Music
Leader of band: René Lacko - guitar (SLK)
Members of the band were: Drapán László - sax, synt (HUN), Zombori Gábor - guitar (HUN)...

0 (0)
Hartyándi Jenő (Hungary)
Documentary / Music
Leader of group: René Trossman - guitar, vocal
Members of the band were: Dankovszky Áron - guitar, Csütörtöki Ádám - e...

0 (0)
Hartyándi Jenő (Poland / Hungary / Slovakia)
Documentary / Music
Leader of group: Leszek Cichonski - guitar, vocal (POL),
Members of the band were: Rácz Krisztián - ...
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