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Regional Film and TV Archives


From the History of Hungarian Improvisational Music


A sorozat keretében a 80-as és 90-es években készült, különböző gyűjtők polcaink régóta kallódó, porosodó, felújított és rekonstruált zenei felvételeket tárunk a köz elé.

Sok esetben töredékes, amatőr vagy a kor hozzáférhető technikai színvonalát tükröző felvételek ezek, amelyek a sorozatszerkesztő Horváth Csaba kitartó gyűjtőmunkája nélkül vélhetően örökre elvesztek volna. Így a Magyar Improvizatívzenei Archívum - Győr és a MEDIAWAVE Filmarchívum részeként egy zenei korszak lenyomataként megőrződnek.



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5 (2)
MAGYAR nemzeti Attila (Hungary)
Documentary / Music
Photographer Béla Kása has been roaming Transylvania for 30 years, photographing native peasant musicians...

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HARTYÁNDI Jenő (Hungary)
The underlying problem with portrait documentaries on performers is that they either confuse the ema...

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PERGER Gyula & HARTYÁNDI Jenő (Hungary)
This film is a tribute of Laci' active first 80 years!

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HARTYÁNDI Jenő (Hungary / Romania)
music documentary - a few Hungarian text -
Right after revolution in Romania I started to go Gyimes ...

5 (1)
CZABÁN György & HARTYÁNDI Jenő (Hungary)
Documentary / Music
Film portrait experiment to show Dr György Szabados's art and process its early period. He was the first Hungarian improvised musician...

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SZOLNOKI József (Hungary)
Lyrical portraits about the members of artistic life in Voivodina during a photo exhibition: RÉVÉSZ Róber photographer (YUG) - LAJKÓ FÉLIX &...

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SZŐKE András csoportja (Hungary)
Theatre documentation shot with two cameras in the film camp. The theatre groups and their leaders w...

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Hartyándi Jenő (Hungary)
KISÖRSPUSZTA (59 min.) 1993
Documentary / Music
An attempt to establish a community in Kisörspuszta (a village close to the Balaton) started at the end of he 70's...

2 (2)
HARTYÁNDI Jenő (Hungary)
KISÖRSPUSZTA (76 min.) 1993
Documentary / Music
An attempt to establish a community in Kisörspuszta (a village close to the Balaton) started at the end of he 70's...

2 (2)
HARTYÁNDI Jenő (Hungary)
KISÖRSPUSZTA (5 min.) 1993
An attempt to establish a community in Kisörspuszta (a village close to the Balaton) started at the end of he 70's...

2 (2)
HARTYÁNDI Jenő (Hungary)
KISÖRSPUSZTA (19 min.) 1993
Documentary / Music
An attempt to establish a community in Kisörspuszta (a village close to the Balaton) started at the end of he 70's...

2 (2)
HARTYÁNDI Jenő (Hungary)
KISÖRSPUSZTA (22 min.) 1993
Documentary / Music
An attempt to establish a community in Kisörspuszta (a village close to the Balaton) started at the end of he 70's...

5 (2)
Szántó Ferenc (Hungary)
Documentary / Music
György Szabados (Born 1939 in Budapest) is a Hungarian jazz pianist, and is sometimes referred to as...

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Joelle BOUVIER & Regis OBADIA (France)
LA LAMPE / THE LAMP (8 min.) 1992
The lights fixes her body, searches through her nakedness. in a second, an opening is made for her to slip into dreams.

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HARTYÁNDI Jenő (Hungary)
Documentary / Music
Right after the Romanian revolution (December 1989) in January, we set off to Transsylvania with Hun...
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Colour system


0.924 sec