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Supported by:

Norway Grants

Kránitz Barbara

young film maker


Her films from Passport Control Film Workshop:

Railway Station dance film!)



28/09/1977. Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary





PASSPORT CONTROL Nemzetközi Film Műhely
MEDIAWAVE Alapítvány
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Hasonló filmek minősítés alapján

5 (1)
Documentary / Music Silló Sándor (Hungary)
Tóth Viktor - sax Szandai Mátyás - bass Jeszenszky György - drums

5 (1)
Feature NAGY Kata (Hungary)
This is a story of an appartment, two people and a third, a balcony and a few penguins, desires and memories, words and silence, possibilities and defeat: a simple story about a few hours during which - just as usual - nothing really happens

3.7 (3)
Documentary Rafal SKALSKI (Poland)
Alla wants to become a ballet dancer very much. It is her another attempt to be admitted to the famous Russian Waganowa Ballet Academy in Sankt Petersburg. Entrance exams are extremely difficult for her. Alla needs to practice additionally to lengthen her legs since her proportions are not correct. 52% is an ideal ratio of legs to height. The film was made during the second edition of the project Russia – Poland...

0 (0)
Documentary / Music / Dance Tóth János (Hungary)
Dancers: Nagypál Anett Gaschler Beáta Kádár Ignác Kovács Norbert Music by: Zagyva Band Boda Gellért - violin Boda Márton - bass Szabó András - viola Mucsinyi Dániel - reeds Tóth Sebestyén - dulcimer Dulai Zoltán - violin Voice: Hetényi Milán Poems, prose: Kovács Norbert Light: Tóth Bálint Sound: Németh Krisztián

0 (0)
Documentary / Music Silló Sándor (United Kingdom / Japan / USA)
JAMAALADEEN TACUMA - e. bass TONY KOFI - sax YOICHI UZEKI - keys, percussion TIM HUTSON - drums Few musicians leave their audiences with a feeling that they have trulywitnessed something amazing. Artist/Producer/Performer/Arranger/ Innovator AND Bassist - JAMAALADEEN TACUMA does just that. This native Philadelphian has always stretched the old mold of what and how a bassist is supposed to play...

0 (0)
Short Fiction / Experimental BAJNA Zsóka (Hungary / Slovakia)

0 (0)
Documentary BAJNA Zsóka (Hungary / Slovakia)
Slovakian Hungarian art camp in Abroncspuszta (Slovakia) between 18 and 20 June, 1993: NAGYTEREC Katalin wood carver (SLK) - GYETVAI Zoltán organiser (SLK, Fülek) - MAG Albert Péter Violin player from Medveshidegkut (SLK) - AGÓCS Gergely folk musician (SLK, Fülek) - HIZSNYAI Zoltán poet (SLK, Pozsony) - VARGA Tamás Phoenix Bookstore (SLK, Losonc) - Carlos ISSAC painter from Angola...

5 (1)
Documentary / Music / Dance Silló Sándor (Hungary / Turkey)
Leader: Miquéu Montanaro (FRA) Participants: Dikanda Band (POL) Paniks Band (SRB) Écsi Gyöngyi (SLK) - ének Bognár Szilvia (HUN) - ének Szania Iszmagilova (baskir/RUS) - ének Majoros Gyula (HUN) - duda Montanaro is keen on the genre of workshop. He has been experimenting with different musicians for several years on Mediawave. We believe that he has a talented band this time, too...

5 (1)
Documentary / Music Silló Sándor (France / Poland / Hungary / Russia / Serbia)
Leader: Miquéu Montanaro (FRA) Participants: Dikanda Band (POL) Paniks Band (SRB) Écsi Gyöngyi (SLK) - ének Bognár Szilvia (HUN) - ének Szania Iszmagilova (baskir/RUS) - ének Majoros Gyula (HUN) - duda Montanaro is keen on the genre of workshop. He has been experimenting with different musicians for several years on Mediawave. We believe that he has a talented band this time, too...

5 (11)
Documentary LÁSZLÓ Gábor (Hungary)
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