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Regional Film and TV Archives

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Hartyándi Jenő (Jugoszlávia / Hungary)
Documentary / Music
drMáriás - vocal, saxophone, trumpet
Tövisházi Ambrus - keyboard
Endrei Dávid - e.bass
Jeli Gergely ...

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Hartyándi Jenő (Jugoszlávia / Hungary)
Documentary / Music
The Trio prefers to play the Hungarian music of Moldva mainly but the tambura, historic songs and singing poems are also part of the repertoire...

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Hartyándi Jenő (France / Jugoszlávia)
Documentary / Music
Stevan Kovacs Tickmayer - piano (FRA/exYUG)
About performer:
Composer, pianist and music essayist, S...

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Hartyándi Jenő (France / Jugoszlávia / Hungary)
Documentary / Music
Stevan Kovacs Tickmayer - piano (FRA/exYUG)
Special guests:
Grencsó István - sax, bassus clarinet (H...

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Milos RADOVIC (Jugoszlávia)
Short Fiction
This is a comedy about some tragic events that took place a few years ago in modern Serbia. Absurdity is a way of living in my country.

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Magyar nemzeti Attila (Czech Republic / United Kingdom / Jugoszlávia / Canada / China / Hungary / USA)
Documentary / Music / Dance

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SZOLNOKI József (Jugoszlávia / Hungary)
Documentary / Music

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Hartyándi Jenő (France / Jugoszlávia / Hungary)
Documentary / Music

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Hartyándi Jenő (Jugoszlávia / Hungary)
Documentary / Music
Mezei Szilárd - violin
Valentina Cesnjevar - piano

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Lengyel Sándor (Jugoszlávia / Hungary)
Documentary / Music
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Colour system

1.27599 sec