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IV. Udvarhelyszéki Gyümölcsfesztivál

The most successful festival in Transylvania

21-23 September, 2012

Székelyudvarhely / Odorhei Region

Transylvania, Romania


For the fourth time we organized the Fruit Festival of Odorhei Region, where the communities of the region gathered once again to celebrate what is beautiful, clean and valuable, we celebrated our villages and faith in our future and the future of our children.

18 communities, nearly 350 people have evolved on stage, over ten thousand visitors, 300 kinds of products, family atmosphere, a rich cultural program. All this has contributed to the success of one of the cleanest and beautiful festivals in Transylvania.


The initiative started four years ago, the movement based on community economic development is expanding more and more, it strengthens faith, but also emphasizes our responsibility, because the stakes are high, but this is our Szekler response to the crisis.

Szekler Frui is a pure value and indicate the only way available to us, during which an appointment will take place between Town and Village. We believe that we have created something valuable. Many have joined us in taking action for a better future more moral, more natural, more humane and viable.


We are proud of this festival. But we are proud also of local fruitful collaboration, with which we could ensure the festival and this movement.


Traditional sapling planting in the Nyikó Valley (additional result)


Civitas Foundation launched several initiatives to preserve the natural resources of the Odorhei Region.

In 2011 we have managed to convince local organizations and businesses about the importance of this effort. By the financial support of Environmental Partnership Foundation in cooperation with Apemin Tuşnad SA in the frame of the „Partnership for Environment” programme, we started the project Rediscovering and shaping the environment. The objectives of this project are: mapping of traditional orchards of the region, collecting related information to them and maintaining nurseries.


In April, more than 250 saplings were planted in 9 villages of the Nyiko Valey by the local schoolchildren. Members of the Székelygyümölcs Association and local fruit experts helped the children in this work. Partners in this project are: „Marosi Gergely” Elementary School Simonesti, „Benedek Fidél” Elementary School Biserican, „Tamási Áron” Elementary School Lupeni and the „Székelygyümölcs” Association. pocoyo oyunu ustura kemal barbie oyunu oyna guncel oyunlar askin halleri


Through these activities Civitas Foundation will contribute to the rescue of the natural diversity in the Nyiko Valley. By organizing presentations and public debates Civitas would like to share these efforts with the communities in order to involve the local people in this work. Clean air, maintaining of the biodiversity, orderliness of rural communities is the responsibility of all. Only a broad and long-term cooperation can be successful this initiative.



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